How To Set Up Your First Gerbil Habitat

Gerbils are often mistaken for sharing the same habitat requirements as a hamster. And quite frankly, that's just not true. Hamsters and gerbils both require their completely own (and different) living environments. So instead of buying a 'pet store' gerbil home- create the right one with a few of these steps.

Photo credit to Gerbil and Rodent Rescue UK.
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Purchase The Right Terrarium: There isn't necessarily a 'gerbil habitat' on the market that is made specifically for gerbils. We suggest a reptile terrarium. Look for one that is at least 10 gallons large (but the bigger the better). Your terrarium should also have a strong metal fenced lid- which allows air circulation without allowing your gerbil to crawl (or even worse- jump) out.

Add Lots of Bedding: Every gerbil habitat should have at least six inches of bedding. This gives your gerbil plenty of room to dig dig dig (which they love to do). Look for aspen bedding or coconut substrate (even dehydrated all-natural moss works well). These are the ideal choices for gerbil bedding. The more bedding you can add, the better. Give your gerbil plenty of space to crawl around. A neat idea is to add tunnels leading under the bedding with an opening slightly above the bedding. This will inspire your little creature to crawl, while also giving them their own neat little hiding space underground.

Create Tunnel Spaces: You can buy pre-made plastic tunnels from your local pet shop, or make your own from cardboard tubes. Either way, be sure to add plenty of crawling and hiding places throughout your gerbils habitat. Get creative! We suggest using one half of your terrarium specifically for tunnels, and leaving the other half for an open area for water, food, toys, and snacks.

Fill Your Tunnels: Gerbils love chewing, tearing, shredding, and making nests. So give your gerbil all of the tools they'll need to make a comfy home. Fill your tunnels with whole paper towels, sheets of bath tissue, and computer paper. All of these items are the perfect material for your gerbil to shred up.

Make a Dinner Table: In an open part of your terrarium add a bowl where you can place your gerbils food. Keep it away from tunnels so you can easily clean the food up (to prevent molding). A heavy glass bowl is highly recommended, because it won't easily tip over and spill.

Make A Water Hole: Away from your food area, but also in an open part of your terrarium, add a water dish. A good water dish is also glass, and very heavy- this prevents it from tipping over. It should also have sides high enough to keep bedding from being pushed in, but shallow enough for your gerbil to easily access.

Create A Play gym: A play gym is an area for your gerbil to climb, jump, and play. You can create a play gym by stacking a few river rocks atop each other, piling some maple branches into a corner, or even placing a few small parakeet ladders in the corner. Nevertheless, get creative and make a little spot for your gerbil to jump around and explore.

Add A Few of Toys: Give your little curious critter a few things to inspect. Ping pong balls, plastic bangle bracelets, even little feathers and bits of fur all make cute little things for your furball to keep entertained with.