Gerbil Toy Ideas

Ever wanted some creative toy ideas to keep your little critter entertained? Here are a few fun things to throw in your gerbil's habitat before you leave for the day- it'll help keep them busy for hours! And they won't be finished even by the time you get home.

Ping Pong Balls: Because they're so easy to move around, they're sure to inspire your gerbil's curiosity. Put a ping pong ball (or two) in their cage and let them try and figure out that new rolling white object. It's oh so cute!

Feathers: Feathers are light-weight, easy to move, and fun to investigate. So naturally, gerbils adore them. They can be carried, hidden, and snuggled with. Look for all-natural undyed feathers. Chicken feathers work well. But even wild game feathers like goose, pheasant, and duck are fun for gerbils.

Small Cat Toys: Small felt mice toys, plastic balls, and pompoms make really fun toys for gerbils. They'll typically take them and hide them away, roll them around, and inspect them curiously. Avoid toys with open holes (like plastic balls with rattles inside) as these are easy places for tiny gerbil feet to get caught.