Gerbil Nesting Material Ideas

Instead of buying commercial nesting material for your gerbil, why not get creative and use some items around your house to keep your little furball entertained? We've compiled a list of things you can find around your household or local craft store that are much more affordable and you can switch up the variety (keeping your critter stimulated!).

Photo credit to Gerbil and Rodent Rescue UK.
Click their name to learn more about this great rescue!

Bath Tissue: Bath tissue is soft, organic, biodegradable, and safe to be swallowed (accidentally). It's probably the best nesting material there is for a gerbil. It's easily shreddable, light-weight, and insulates tunnels flawlessly.

Computer Paper: Computer paper is great because it's light-weight, but also durable. It can be torn, shredded, and bit to pieces- but also keep it's shape- which makes it good for piling against walls. And gerbils will love tearing off pieces and then shredding them to make them smaller and smaller.

Feathers: Look for all natural chicken feathers at your local craft shop. Make sure to get ones that haven't been dyed or treated.You could even try contacting local farmers, hunters, and taxidermists in the area- all of which probably have a collection of natural feathers that they'd happily let you have for free.

Cardboard Pieces: Pieces of plain cardboard boxes are prime chewing material. They're not very soft, but they're perfect for tearing apart! And gerbils love to tear things apart! Look for pieces without any ink or writing on them- as sometimes the ink can be toxic. Also cut out any pieces with tape or tape residue on them.

Fur: Real fur is one of the best nesting materials for gerbils. Not only is it extremely warm, it helps insulate gerbils in colder climates where house temperatures sometimes fall below 60 degrees. Look for 'tanned' fur- which means it's been treated so it's not raw and there are no contaminants on the fur. Look for scrap pieces of short haired furs like muskrat, ermine, mink, or even squirrel.

Dish Rags: Have old dish towels that are on the verge of falling apart? Don't throw them away. Soak them in boiling hot water for 30 minutes, remove, and dry completely. Then throw then in your gerbils habitat. Since the towels are already old, raggedy, and thin- they'll be easy to rip apart. And gerbils will love how soft and comfy they are.