Gerbil Chew Toy Ideas

Gerbils are one of the few small pet mammals that are active and awake during the day. And because of this, we are super lucky in the fact we get to watch them play! And there are so many cute toys that help inspire their adorable behavior. These ones help enlighten them to the wonderful idea of chewing! A super healthy, natural activity that all gerbils should have the chance to do regularly.

Wicker Balls: Wicker, made naturally from willow, is an amazing chewing material for gerbils. Decorative wicker balls have become a very modern home accessory. But they can also make a great little toy for your gerbil. Make sure to find ones that are all-natural (no dyes or varnishes). These are fun for a variety of reasons. Your gerbil will be determined to climb them and it will turn into a rolling mountain (which they really seem to adore). Plus this toy can be safely chewed! Willow is a great chewing material, and also makes a yummy snack for gerbils.

Yucca Pieces: Pieces of yucca wood are great for gerbils. They are porous which makes them very easy and fun chew toys for gerbils. They will love shredding this pliable wood into all sorts of little pieces. Plus this wood is light weight enough that they can pick up the pieces and run around (like little gerbil construction workers- so cute!)

Dried Cholla: This holey wood is great for a million reasons. It's resistant to rot (so who cares if it gets drug into the water bowl!) and it's really affordable. On eBay you can find naturally gathered cholla for about .50 each. They're perfect for climbing, building play gyms with, and of course- chewing on!