How To Introduce Two Gerbils

Introducing gerbils can be difficult, and yet- if done properly, can also be very rewarding. There are many things to take into consideration when introducing two gerbils. The best time to introduce gerbils is within the first few months of their life. By four months of age, some gerbils tend to get aggressive and territorial. So the earlier you can introduce your gerbils, the more likely they will interact positively. But if you cannot introduce your gerbils at an early stage in their life, there are a few simple steps you can take to help inspire a healthy relationship between the two.

Photo credit to Gerbil and Rodent Rescue UK.
Click their name to learn more about this great rescue!

Make sure gerbils are a similar age: Even if your gerbils are not young, they are more likely to get along if they are the same age. Try to find a gerbil similar to your gerbil's age- born within a month or two of your gerbil's birthday. Your gerbils should also be a similar size. Same sex gerbils are always recommended to prevent breeding.

Quarantine: When bringing a new gerbil home, you will want to keep both of your gerbils separate for at least three weeks. Keep them in different rooms, in different cages. This will give you time to monitor your new gerbil for any signs of illness. It will also give your new gerbil time to get accustomed to their new home without having the stress of meeting a new gerbil as well.

Place cages side by side for interaction: Once you have finished quarantining your new gerbil and they are showing no signs of illness, you can now move their cage next to your other gerbil's. Leaving their cages side by side will allow them to interact through the terrarium glass (and cage top covers if they are available). This will get them used to one another's scent, image, movement, and sound. Allow them to play side by side for about a week.

Offer snacks and chew toys between both cages: If your terrarium's have cage extensions on top, you can place snacks and toys between the cage bars and allow your gerbils to share them. The cage bars will separate fights from breaking out, but the close quarters will allow your gerbils to interact and have fun sharing their toy or snack.

Introduce in new and unfamiliar area: Once your gerbils are accustomed to one another's company, you can introduce them outsides of their cage. This needs to be done in a place that is unfamiliar to both of them. A bathroom, new terrarium, or flat floor where you can easily supervise them are all fit. Watch your gerbils very closely and immediately separate them if aggressive behavior occurs. Place a few piles of food on the ground and let your gerbils out to roam. Allow them each to eat and play and watch them closely to monitor and break off any fights.

Introduce in mutual play area: If your gerbils show no aggression during their first interaction, you can then introduce them both in a play area they are familiar with. Let them out to interact with each other daily, for about a week. During this time, always supervise them closely.

Move both to new and unfamiliar cage: As your gerbils begin to interact positively and regularly, you can move them to a new cage. This should be a cage neither of them has lived in prior. You want them to live in new territory to avoid bickerments over tunnels, food, and water. Let your gerbils play during the day, when you can supervise them, and then separate them to their other cages in the evening.

If no aggressive behavior occurs, move permanently to new cage: At this point, if no fights have broken out, you can safely move both of your gerbils into their new home. Monitor food and water to ensure both are getting proper access to them. If all goes well, you will have two well-adjusted gerbils living in harmony with one another! Time to reward them with lots of snacks and love!