Basic Gerbil Care

Gerbils are hyper creatures with fun personalities and entertaining acts. They're sure to keep you smiling for hours, but they also deserve the best care possible. Gerbil's are typically low maintenance pets, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be properly cared for. There are a few basic things that every gerbil deserves and needs.

Photo credit to Gerbil and Rodent Rescue UK.
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Food: Gerbils are scavengers by nature and need a proper selection of seeds (millet, safflower, barley), nuts (peanuts, almonds), fruits (apples, bananas), and vegetables (broccoli, carrots, peas) to remain healthy and happy. A variety of these items served daily is necessary for your little furball to get the proper vitamins and nutrients they need.

Water: Gerbils need water for the obvious reason; to stay hydrated. As with all other mammals, they need to drink. We don't suggest using bottles for a gerbil's water supply because they easily get clogged. Rather a bowl of fresh water should be constantly supplied in your gerbil's cage. It should be changed daily and kept clean of bedding and food bits.

Bedding: Gerbils are diggers by nature and require a large amount of bedding in order to be happy. We suggest at least 6 inches of bedding in a terrarium, but the more the better! Look for aspen bedding or coconut substrate. Even all natural mosses work well. But do not use any pine or evergreen bedding- as these shavings are harmful to rodents.

Tunnels/ Hiding Spaces: Gerbils loooove to tunnel- almost as much as they love to dig! So it's a great thing to fill your gerbils habitat with all sorts of tunnels for them to explore. By changing out tunnels every two weeks you'll keep your gerbil entertained and active. They are naturally curious creatures so give them plenty of places and ways to stay active and adventurous.

Toys: What makes a good gerbil toy? Well anything really. A solid wheel (without holes where their tail and feet can get stuck) is the perfect way to keep your gerbil active. But even little things like ping pong balls, hemp nets, and natural river rocks stacked in the corner to climb on can keep your little furball happily active.

Snacks: Just like humans, gerbils get bored if they're eating the same food each and every day. So it's important spice up their diet with a few treats once or twice a week. Things like dried fruit, peanuts, sunflower seeds, apple slices, a bit of honey, and even a small piece of bread are the perfect snacks for a gerbil.

Nesting Material: What's the difference between bedding and nesting material? Nesting material is something your gerbil can tear up, shred, and chew to make their own nest- while bedding is shavings used as 'the ground' of their habitat. Things like bath tissue, paper, cardboard, and even bits of fur and feathers are perfect nesting materials. Gerbils need these things to make their tunnels comfortable- and it also helps keep them active, motivated, and entertained.

Companionship: Gerbils are very loving creatures and need attention. It's highly suggested that you get gerbils in pairs. Two females get along quite well, while three to four males make a good colony also. Gerbils should always be paired up from youth- older gerbils need to be carefully adjusted to one another if you wish to make them content with living with one another at a later age. Pairing gerbils up while they are young prevents fights and territorial attitudes. But gerbil's don't only need love from fellow gerbil's- they need love from their humans too! Your gerbil should be let out of it's cage to socialize at least 3 to 4 hours a day. Cuddles, games, and exploration are all a very important of a gerbil's life- so give them the opportunity for all three.